Search results for: spotlight - page 4

Author Spotlight: Contextualising 80 years of aerospace engineering education in the Netherlands

Book cover of 80 Years of Aerospace Engineering Education in the Netherlands

Aerospace engineering and innovation form a crucial part of the Dutch economy, and the TU Delft Faculty of Aerospace Engineering plays a vital role in incubating and nurturing new generations of talent. Yet, a lot of the story behind how aerospace education at TU Delft has changed over the last years remains inaccessible by an international audience, as it..

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TU Delft OPEN Publishing | 2023 Annual Report

Textbooks and Books published in 2023

As TU Delft OPEN Publishing, we are on a mission: create a community-driven and open access (OA) scholarly communication platform that provides resilient publishing services to the dynamic community of teachers and researchers at TU Delft. Now that we are four years in existence, we are proud to look back on what we achieved and..

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TU Delft OPEN Publishing | 2022 Annual Report

Welcome to the TU Delft OPEN Publishing 2022 annual report! Established in 2019, we are a diamond open access university publisher dedicated to publishing high-standard publications that cover topics relevant to TU Delft. We work closely with our researchers and teachers, allowing us to offer personalized and professional services tailored to their needs. We aim..

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