Search results for: spotlight - page 2

Editor spotlight: Examining technology through a philosophical lens

Olya Kudina

In a world where people and technology are increasingly intertwined, the field of postphenomenology offers a framework for understanding the complex and nuanced ways in which technology shapes the human experience. Working in this area, Dr. Olya Kudina, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Philosophy of Technology at TU Delft’s Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management..

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Author spotlight: Mapping-based research helps visualise the future for port cities

Photo of Yvonne van Mil

Maps can provide a wide range of valuable information and insights about the world around us – ranging from geographical, to political, cultural, and environmental information. And they are powerful spatial planning tools that provide a visual and data-rich foundation for decision-making. Researchers from the LDE PortCityFutures centre developed a standardised method for mapping 100..

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Editor Spotlight – Standardisation can help solve the world’s complex challenges

The world we live in is becoming more and more complex every day. From smart homes to renewable energy, we are continually trying to create systems that can make our lives easier and solve the grand challenges facing society. But in order to create these complex systems, standards are needed and understanding the process of..

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Author spotlight – Explorations on the just city

One of the greatest challenges of cities is the issue of spatial justice – having fair, inclusive and healthy urban environments. But how do we make evaluations about what is fair and what is unfair in urban development, and how can we improve processes to make them more inclusive, more diverse and more democratic? Dr…

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Author spotlight – Making educational material on water and coastal management more accessible

Jill Slinger

As a researcher in water and coastal management, Associate Professor Jill Slinger is also an advocate of open access. Through her work in the Multi Actor Systems Department of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM) at TU Delft, she utilises both qualitative and quantitative methods to advance stakeholder-inclusive, model-based decision making and co-design. ..

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