Welcome to the TU Delft OPEN Publishing 2022 annual report! Established in 2019, we are a diamond open access university publisher dedicated to publishing high-standard publications that cover topics relevant to TU Delft. We work closely with our researchers and teachers, allowing us to offer personalized and professional services tailored to their needs. We aim to be an affordable and forward-thinking university publisher driven by the principles of Open Science.
We have three publishing streams: Open Books, Open Textbooks and Open Access Journals. In 2022 we published 17 open access books (including 2 conference books*), 8 open textbooks and launched one open access journal.
*In 2021 the demand for conference proceedings has increased significantly without any promotion from the library. Our researchers who organise conferences or symposiums at the TU Delft alone or in partnership, are looking for an open access venue to publish their proceedings where each conference paper gets its own DOI. We only published peer-reviewed conference papers.
Books & Textbooks
- Seventeen open books have been published in 2022, two of which are conference books and two are published in partnerships with specialised print publishers
- In 2022, TU Delft OPEN Publishing has begun to work closely with several publishers to publish in co-creation books of authors affiliated with the TU Delft in open access mode. This is done on the basis of mutual interests and based on affordable financial principles.
- Nine open textbooks have been published in 2022, five of which are new titles and four are new editions of a previously published title.
- The on-demand textbook printing service was migrated from Webedu to Holland Ridderkerk, which facilitates worldwide distribution.
- The Jupyter Books project was initiated in 2022.
- In collaboration with the faculty of Applied Sciences, the team has started a pilot for publishing interactive open textbooks using Jupyter Books. This is a follow-up of the Nanobiology OLMO project led within the faculty by Timon Idema. ICT has created a central server for hosting the GitHub repositories and a domain for hosting the published textbooks.
- The team have funded a EUR 30,000 project to pilot the use of Jupyter Books, run by the faculty. The projected result will be a standard workflow with templates on how to publish an interactive textbook with Jupyter Books. The workflow will become available university-wide in September 2023.
**Note: We currently have two platforms (two URLs) where we published our open books. Before the establishment of TU Delft OPEN Publishing in 2019, the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (BK) had started in 2013 to publish books produced by their researchers. This platform called BK-Books (https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/) is dedicated to the faculty of BK and cannot accommodate books from other disciplines. Therefore, we created a new platform https://books.open.tudelft.nl/ where all books from all disciplines can be published. We aim to have all books published on TU Delft OPEN Books. We have excluded in our 2022 report the number of books published on the BK-Books platform.
- Across all our OA journals we published 209 articles in 2022
- TU Delft OPEN Publishing hosts and publishes sixteen Open Access (OA) journals in 2022. TU Delft OPEN Publishing is the publisher of fourteen OA journals and hosts two OA journals.
- The new Open Access Journal, The Journal of Standardisation (JoS), Geerten van der Kaa (Editor in Chief, Faculty TPM-TU Delft), has published its first five articles in 2022.
- In 2022 two new OA journals were open for submission:
- Journal of Open Aviation Science, Junzi Sun (co-editor in Chief, Faculty AE-TU Delft) and Xavier Olive (co-editor in Chief, ONERA, France)- first articles expected in 2023.
- Journal of Coastal and Riverine Flood Risk, Jeremy Bricker (co-editor in Chief, University of Michigan), Bas Jonkman (co-editor in Chief, Faculty CEG-TU Delft), Grit Martinez (co-editor in Chief, Ecologic Institute, Germany) and Miguel Esteban (co-editor in Chief, Waseda University, Japan)- first articles expected in 2023.
nb: please see the 2022 annual report appendix for more details
Publishing services
Running services
- The details of those services are available in the 2021 report. For the POD service, our supplier HollandRidderkerk handled 283 Book purchase orders in 2022.
- Academic Writing Assistant: We offer anyone affiliated with the TU Delft the Academic Writing Assistant (AWA) tool. It can be used for any type of publication and gives you tips and comments regarding the structure, style and spelling of your text. The KU Leuven developed AWA.

New/improved services
- Indexing: Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB): Our books are included in DOAB which only accepts peer-reviewed open access books
- Sponsoring and co-creation of open access books: partnership with several publishers to publish books of authors affiliated with TU Delft in open access modus. This is done based on mutual interests and based on affordable financial principles.
- Similarity check: we have streamlined the similarity check with specific procedures for each publication type in collaboration with the Metada&Acquisition team of the TU Delft Library
- Copyright check: as of 2022 the copyright check that included textbooks only has been extended to the entire portfolio of TU Delft OPEN Publishing (journals and books). In 2023, our goal is to simplify the publication process for all our works and assess the tools we use. Furthermore, we will evaluate the available resources to ensure they meet the current demand.
- Biorender: In 2021 TU Delft started a two-year pilot with BioRender. BioRender allows researchers to create professional figures in minutes through the use of pre-made icons and templates. This allows researchers to promote and communicate their research more effectively and create figures much more efficiently. BioRender is much easier to use compared to other illustrator programmes and has integrations with, for example, the Protein Data Bank, which allows the import of structures. Based on requests for BioRender licenses from researchers from three faculties (LR, 3mE and EWI) it was explored whether it was possible to offer these licences and a proposal was discussed with the Library Management Team in July 2020. In August 2021 the pilot was started which provides licenses for 50 TU Delft employees for two years ($19,940). By the end of 2022, the seats were expanded to a number of 70. Users can log in after contacting researchsupport@tudelft.nl using their NetID. Within the first month of the start of the pilot, all licenses were in use. To date, the number of users is 140 for AS, 23 for EECMS, and 12 for 3mE faculties.
There are multiple developments for TU Delft OPEN Publishing, most of which ran under the Open Science Program:
- The Open Education Project has funded a large project by Timon Idema as an addition to his education fellowship, to make Jupyter Books into a digital tool for publishing interactive open textbooks. For him to keep it manageable, Timon is for now focused on piloting the software within the AS faculty. However, we are getting a lot of requests from other faculties who are also interested (primarily CEG and EEMCS, but we expect more to come). Jupyter Books is a clear and unique addition to the services of Open Publishing, that is going to be an essential and impactful part of publishing academic educational literature.
- It is the intention of the project group to design templates, manuals and workflows for publishing Jupyter Books, which will be released around the summer of 2023. From there it will be ready to be provided to everyone on campus. By then, we will also have a dedicated website to host the Jupyter Books. Once all of this is arranged, we will start with transferring the functional management of Jupyter Books from the AS faculty to TU Delft Open Publishing and ICT.
Journal: The Evolving Scholar
A couple of years ago we introduced our journal The Evolving Scholar (ThES), as an experimental publishing environment. The journal is developed in partnership with Orvium. Together we succeeded to:
- Create three conference communities and fully support their conference in an intense collaboration with the conference organizers (IFoU 14th Edition, ARCH22 and BMD2023, 5th Edition, the last one in development in 2023);
- Propose the peer-review as a service: the review takes place in ThES while the publication was published elsewhere. A project to investigate and implement the peer-review of the data was proposed and accepted in collaboration with the 4TU.Research.Data. The pilot starts in 2023.
- Publish preprints, articles and conference papers;
In the back-end, equally important, we succeeded to:
- Re-evaluate and propose a clear positioning for ThES.
- Develop the publishing workflow for peer-review in general and adapted for every conference community to their own best practices;
- Create a clear TU Delft OPEN branding in the communication with ThES users
Open Publishing project in the Open Science Program
Open Access
- TU Delft published 98% of all peer-reviewed articles open access in the year 2022.
- TU Delft has also a long tradition of funded OA Books and Book Chapters, published by external publishers. In 2022, three OA Books and 5 OA Book chapters where funded that way. We have also republished 2 printed books digitally with an open license.
Open Education: The open textbook publishing service has continued to work efficiently and has successfully facilitated the publication of 8 open textbooks for education
FAIR Data & Software
TU Delft OPEN Publishing policies provided a dedicated section on handling research data in publications. The policy requires publications to include necessary information on data access, sharing, citation and registration and encourages authors to adopt good data management practices. It also provides separate guidelines for both authors and editors of all papers, books, textbooks and other inputs that will be published with TU Delft OPEN Publishing.
Rewards and Recognition
As part of the “Author Spotlight” and Editor Spotlights series (interviews where our authors and editors share the stories behind their publications and their thoughts on open publishing practices) within the TU Delft OPEN Publishing Blog where we highlight our latest developments and progress
Fruitful Collaboration with third parties
Initial talks with several Dutch-based publishers to investigate if we could co-create or republish books with TU Delft authors as open access content. This concerns Delft Academic Press (until ultimo 2022), Boom, IOS-Press, and Nai010.
- In 2022, as a result of this collaboration, we published a digital version of Policy Analysis of Multi-Actor Sysemes 2nd edition, edited by the late Bert Enserink.
- With IOS Press The Fluid Dynamic Basis for Actuator Disc and Rotor Theories, 2nd edition was published
- The Evolving Scholar (open peer review & Open Access journal) powered by Orvium has 3 communities with around 200 publications.
Blog: The blog launched in 2021 aims to share innovative concepts, trigger discussion, and highlight our latest developments and progress. This blog endorses openness, fairness, and diversity. In 2022 we produced 8 blogs.
Twitter: Our Twitter account @tudelftopen produced 77 original tweets. The number of followers end of 2002 was 590, a growth of 11%. In 2022 @TU Delft OPEN handle received 28.2k impressions (views, likes, retweets, interactions)
- Frédérique Belliard, Just de Leeuwe and Yan Wang presented a poster during the MUNIN 2022 conference
- Just de Leeuwe introduced TU Delft OPEN Publishing in the annual meeting of the AEUP on November 17, 2022
- Frédérique Belliard and Monique IJzinga attended the PKP sprint in Helsinki
- At the open science festival in Utrecht:
- Alenka Princic co-presented the interactive session “2 perspectives on Diamond Open Access publishing”
- Yan Wang co-presented the interactive session “Building Research Dream Teams”
- Frederique Belliard co-led the workshop “Starting FAIR discussion”
Publication & Collection Taskforce
- This initiative was established to understand the need of each faculty within the TU Delft regarding academic sources (read) and publishing. The Publication & Collection Taskforce is composed of staff from faculties and the library. In these taskforce meetings TU Delft OPEN Publishing is represented, and we can make more people aware of the services they offer. We’ve noticed a lot of interest in the alternative for commercial publishers at the faculties and refer people to TU Delft OPEN Publishing. We hope the taskforce members also spread this knowledge within their faculties.
- In 2022 we’ve managed to re-activate what was previously the Library committee at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering and the faculty of Civil Engineering Geosciences. They now hold regular meetings to discuss both collection and publishing-related topics. The faculty of Architecture and Built Environment committee was always very active, but now also includes publishing topics in their meetings. We’ve started several collaborations with the faculty of Industrial Design, that we hope to expand into interest for the taskforce as well. In 2023 we’ll work more closely with the Open Science program to create events on publishing and collection and hope to activate more faculties through the taskforces.
We’re creating 2 dashboards: author awareness and journal collection. The author awareness dashboard particularly shows the advantages of diamond OA publishing. In 2022 we’ve managed to collect a lot of the needed data and overcame some challenges in that regard. We’ve also had 2 workshops to come to a design for these dashboards. In 2023 we aim to finish the dashboards and make them available to all TU Delft staff and students. We will organize one or more events to present them as well and ask for feedback.
Faculties abbreviations
Aerospace Engineering-AE Applied Sciences-AS Architecture and the Built Environment -ABBE Civil Engineering and Geosciences-CEG Industrial Design Engineering -IDE Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science-EEMCS Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering-3mE Technology, Policy and Management-TPM
We would like to thank all of those who make the TU Delft OPEN Publishing work in 2022. The names are listed below in alphabetic order.
TU Delft Library: Frédérique Belliard, Monique de Bont, Adriaan Bisschop, Joke Dales, Franklin van der Hoeven, Monique IJzinga, Michiel de Jong, Paschalis Kontanas, Just de Leeuwe, Jacqueline Michielen-van de Riet, Kees Moerman, Nicoleta Nastase, Marco Neeleman, Ardi Nonhebel, Louise Otting, Esther Plomp, Alenka Prinčič, Paul Suijker, Anke Versteeg, Ingrid Vos, Yan Wang
Library student assistants: Afra Knaap, Zahra Mothadi, Animesh Sahoo
TU Delft ICT: Danny Greten
Orvium: Roberto Rabasco; Antonio Romero
We also like to thank all editors, authors and reviewers that contributed to the growth, development and quality of our publications.
Contributor roles Conceptualisation, Visualisation: Frédérique Belliard Data Curation: Just de Leeuwe & Monique IJzinga Writing–original draft & editing:Frédérique Belliard, Monique IJzinga, Michiel de Jong, Just de Leeuwe, Nicoleta Nastase, Louise Otting, Anke Versteeg, Yan Wang Writing-review: Frédérique Belliard & Juliana Pitanguy
TU Delft OPEN Publishing 2022 Annual Report Appendix
In this Appendix, we offer comprehensive details about our portfolio.
Books & Textbooks
- List of open textbooks published in 2022
- List of open books* published in 2022
Note: We have excluded in our 2022 report the number of books published on the BK-Books platform.
- List of open access journals published and hosted by TU Delft OPEN Publishing in 2022
Faculties |
Journal name |
A+BE | Architecture and the Built Environment DASH | Delft Architectural Studies on Housing FOOTPRINT* IPHS | International Planning History Society Proceedings WP | Writingplace** |
IJWG | International Journal of Water Governance JCHS | Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures JCRFR | Journal of Coastal and Riverine Flood Risk |
EJTIR | European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research JISS | Journal of Integrated Security and Safety Science JSCMS |Journal of Supply Chain Management Science JOS | Journal of Standardisation |
AS |
SST | Superhero Science and Technology |
AE |
JOAS | Journal of Open Aviation Science |
JDU | Journal of Delta Urbanism |
ThES | The Evolving Scholar*** |
* Publisher Jap Sam books
** Publisher NAI010
*** ThES is a diamond Open Access journal with a self-organizing scholar community publishing model. That translates into the direct publication of papers and peer-reviews, enriched by comments from the readership, which encourages the interaction between the authors, their peers and their audience. The benefit is an accelerated publishing process and an open conversation for all the parties involved. The reviewers’ reports are checked for scope and form by moderators, while the feedback itself is in the hands of the community.
- Number of articles published
Journal name | Articles published in 2022 | Total of articles published until 2022 |
A+BE (launched in 2009) | 25 | 208 |
EJTIR (launched in 2011) | 21 | 560 |
FOOTPRINT (launched in 2007) | 23 | 136 |
IJWG (launched in 2013, flipped in 2021) | 4 | 100 |
IPHSP (launched in 2021) | 45 | |
JCHS (launched in 2021) | 11 | 21 |
JDU (launched in 2020) | 5 | 20 |
JISSS (launched in 2011) | 1 | 12 |
JSCMS (launched in 2017) | 8 | 24 |
JOS (launched in 2022) | 4 | 4 |
SST (launched in 2018) | 1 | 11 |
ThES (launched in 2021) | 61 | 125 |
Faculties abbreviations
Aerospace Engineering-AE Applied Sciences-AS Architecture and the Built Environment -ABE Civil Engineering and Geosciences-CEG Industrial Design Engineering-IDE Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science-EEMCS Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering-3mE Technology, Policy and Management-TPM
In this Appendix, we offer comprehensive details about our portfolio.